Why should you choose our SR&ED Tax Credit Consultants?
SRED Unlimited is a team of experienced SR&ED tax credit consultants based in Toronto, Ontario. We help businesses across Canada prepare and submit SRED tax credit claims. We have a proven track record of successful claims for our clients who receive tax credits and refunds for their scientific research and experimental development work (SR&ED).
Our SRED Unlimited team members each specialize in different industries so our clients receive personalized and industry-specific service, and each claim is prepared by someone with working knowledge of the work being claimed:
- software development and digital media, telecommunications,
- mechanical or industrial engineering,
- electrical and electronics,
- injection moulding, tool and dye,
- chemical,
- aerospace,
- cleantech and environmental technologies, renewable energy, biotech,
- food and beverage,
- printing and advanced manufacturing,
… to name a few.
SRED Unlimited offers boutique SR&ED claim services. Yet, we’re small enough to offer personal service and treat each client with the individual service they deserve.