Table of Contents

5 Common SR&ED Tax Credit Myths which Could Cost you Money Alberta SR&ED Program Replaced by Innovation Employment Grant (IEG) Can you Spot the Difference? From R&D to SR&ED? Canada Leads Other World Programs in SR&ED Incentives CATA Reaffirms Support For Impartially Administered Innovation Incentives Changes to SR&ED Tax Credit in 2019 Federal Budget Enables…


SR&ED for Startups: Fuel Innovation and Growth with Canadian Tax Credits for Research

Canada’s Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit program is an often-untapped resource for startups.   However, it offers the potential for businesses to recoup SR&ED-eligible R&D expenses that might otherwise have been lost. Many businesses don’t realize that their work could qualify. “Scientific research and experimental development” sounds like medical or computer-related work,…


The 5 Questions You Encounter in a SR&ED Interview

The Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) program provides tax incentives to businesses engaged in research and development (R&D).   Central to what differentiates R&D from SR&ED is the focus on the concept of generating technological advancement and new knowledge through the R&D work conducted.   These details can often be buried in R&D descriptions…


SRED Unlimited at the Grow Up Conference, Toronto

We are excited to announce that SRED Unlimited will be participating in the Grow Up Conference in Toronto, from May 27-29, 2024.   As Canada’s #1 cannabis conference, Grow Up focuses on cultivation, brands, and retail within the cannabis industry. Founded in 2017, it has established itself as a premier cannabis event dedicated to fostering…


Recognizing the Potential: The Growth Value of Small Seed Projects in SR&ED Claims

In the intricate landscape of preparing Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) claims, it’s not uncommon to encounter projects that seem too small, too insubstantial, or too lacking in support to warrant the effort and cost of including it in a claim. This perspective can inadvertently lead to missing opportunities with SR&ED potential. The real…


Unlocking Innovation: How Non-Technology Companies May Qualify for SR&ED Tax Credits

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program is Canada’s largest federal tax incentive program, designed to encourage businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to undertake technological risks and to conduct research and development in Canada. However, many non-technology companies – breweries, wineries, distillers, food producers, cosmetic science often overlook their eligibility for…


SR&ED Tax Credits for Small Business Growth

In the dynamic and varied landscape of Canadian small businesses, innovation is a necessity for survival and growth. One significant, yet often underutilized tool for fueling this innovation is the Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit program. The Canadian Government designed this initiative as a testament to its commitment to fostering a thriving…


SR&ED Tax Credits for System Uncertainty

In the competitive landscape of the tech industry, companies engaged in AI, computer science and software engineering continually seek innovative solutions to stay ahead. One often overlooked but critical area in software development is the concept of system uncertainty.   The concept of technological uncertainty is a key part of an SR&ED tax credit claim.…


Digging For SR&ED Gold: What Your SR&ED Consultant Really Needs to Know

Product developers and engineers tend to utilize a specialized vocabulary related to their industry processes. This vernacular, while varying across industries, is universally understood and forms the background jargon for the work. However, these common industry phrases can be quite different from SR&ED concepts, and not realizing the kinds of information your SRED Unlimited consultant…


Debunking Common Myths About SR&ED

Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credits can be a valuable financial tool for businesses engaged in research and development (R&D). However, misconceptions surrounding this program may result in businesses losing out on real money. Let’s debunk some of these common SR&ED myths.   SR&ED Myth #1: The SR&ED Tax Credit Program doesn’t really…


Featured Client Profile: Novah Healthcare

Chronic pain is often cited as one of the worst challenges a person may encounter in life. To everyone else, you look “normal”, but little does everyone know the struggle you face to accomplish everyday activities through incapacitating pain. Many current diagnostic tests may not be able to isolate a specific cause. Rarely does anyone…


Innovation in Canada’s Booming Biotech Sector

Canada’s biotechnology and life sciences industry is experiencing rapid growth and development, making it a global hub for scientific research and innovation.   Canada’s biotechnology sector has recently gained international recognition for its unique strengths and capabilities and as a key player in the development of innovative solutions across healthcare, agriculture, and environmental challenges. Several…


Why IRAP and SR&ED Can (and Should) Be Used Together

Canada’s research and technological innovation sectors are constantly growing and evolving—many times thanks to the accessibility of the funding opportunities offered by the Canadian government.   If you’re looking for ways to finance your business’s research and development projects or get your innovations to market, it’s time to take advantage of our government’s research initiatives. …


What To Expect If Your SR&ED Claim Is Audited

The Forbidden Word: Audit   For many people, particularly those who deal directly with finances (whether business or personal), one of the scariest words in the English language is “audit”. It conjures images of a host of seemingly invasive and often confusing questions, and generating mounds of paperwork while taxing your financial reporting people.  …


Spring Training and SR&ED Teamwork: Building a Championship Innovation Team

Welcome to SR&ED Spring Training 2023!   Lots of things are happening in the world of sports, right now ﹘ the NHL regular season is winding down and heading toward the trade deadline, March Madness in NCAA basketball is about to start, we’re halfway through the NBA regular season, and the World Baseball Classic is…


Taking Chances, Making Mistakes: SR&ED for Technology and Innovation

Canadian companies must innovate to remain competitive in a global market. Even with the economic challenges after Covid lockdowns, we can’t lose sight of driving innovation and Canada’s economy forward. We can’t afford to fall behind.     Canadian Innovation on the World Stage   When the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) released the annual…


Featured Client Profile: Beary Berry Honey Inc.

Bees are nature’s original innovators – turning flower nectar and pollen into “liquid gold.” Rich in antioxidants and amino acids, honey has been revered as a very special and unique food product for centuries.   Sandra Thiessen from Beary Berry Honey Inc. in Alberta knows how special honey truly is. Beary Berry is a family-owned apiary…


SR&ED For The Food & Beverage Industry 101

The food and beverage industry, which encompasses everything from restaurants to bakeries, breweries, distilleries, and soft beverage producers, to commercial kitchens and food producers, is an exciting, diverse, and highly innovative industry. For companies in this space, claiming SR&ED tax credits presents a unique opportunity. Many do not consider filing SR&ED for food and beverage…


Tips for a Stress-Free Year End

Does the thought of finalizing your year-end fill you with dread? If sifting through piles of paperwork, updating spreadsheets, and tracking expenses make your blood run cold, we have some tips to help keep you on track and make your year-end run smoothly, regardless of when it is.   Best Practices   Technically, for the…
