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CRA updates guidelines for resolving your SR&ED concerns

The CRA has announced updates to the guidelines for resolving claimants’ SR&ED concerns. They say they used stakeholder feedback to come up with the changes in a way that would streamline the administrative review process’ “timeliness and consistency”.

Here’s the exact text of their overview of the changes:

Reason for revision

The changes made to the guidelines address feedback received from stakeholders to improve the timeliness and consistency of the administrative review process for resolving claimants’ SR&ED concerns.

Revision overview

  1. Implementation of the request for an Administrative Review Form RC532 (PDF, 128 KB) that claimants must complete to request an administrative review.
  2. Implementation of a National SR&ED Administrative Review Intake Centre that will receive and catalogue all requests for administrative reviews, and forward each request to the appropriate tax services office.
  3. Wording in the guidelines has been revised for clarity.

The text of this document has been revised to reflect these changes, see Appendix A: Explanation of changes.


The full guidelines for resolving claimants’ SR&ED concerns is readable on the CRA’s website. Do you feel that they have clarified the wording, as they say, and that the changes could benefit you and other SR&ED claimants? Let’s discuss this. Feel free to leave your opinion in a comment.

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